Order appointing Associate Judge for Child Support Cases: PAMALA W. TALLEY is hereby appointed
Associate Judge for the Sixth Administrative Judicial Region of Texas pursuant to
Section 201.101, Texas Family Code.
The Associate Judge shall devote full-time service to the duties of an associate judge
for child support cases.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this appointment shall be effective from September 1,
2019 and continue in full force for four-years from the date the Associate Judge qualifies
for office
Order of Assignment by the Presiding Judge:Honorable James L. Rex Senior District Judge of the 109th District Court, to
the 452nd District Court of Mason 'and McCulloch Counties, Texas.
The judge is assigned for a period of one (1) day which is September 25, 2019.
Order appointing Associate Judge for Child Support Cases: Honorable
JAMES RAUSCH-beginning October 31, 2019
through October 31, 2020